Pricing Information

The price for a single letter is $9.49. This price includes up to 8 sheets of paper, plus postage, printing and mailing.

If your letter has more than 8 pages, you have the option to select duplex printing (printing on both sides of the sheet) to try and keep the paper count at 8 or fewer sheets.

The price for a letter with 9 to 14 pieces of paper is $9.99.The price for 15 - 29 pieces of paper is $13.99.The price for 30 or more pieces of paper is $16.99.

We don't require a membership or a monthly fee. You simply pay only when you need to send your letter(s). It's really a pretty good deal, especially since we keep your mailing history and letters stored on our website indefinitely for quick and easy access any time you need them.

February 2021 Pricing Update: After 12 years without raising our rates, even though the United States Postal Service keeps raising their prices, we've finally decided that we should get with the times and increase our prices. We are very sorry if this caught you off guard, but we still believe our service offers tremendous savings over doing this on your own.

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