Forms of Payment

Accepted Methods of Payment

Methods of Payment Currently Unavailable

Unexpected Payments

Accepted Methods of Payment supports a few different methods of payment. Accepted payment options include MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, and Discover. You can also pay through Apple Pay or Google Pay through any device that has one of those options set up.

Please keep in mind that OnlineCertifiedMail needs payment at time of order submission, and we cannot bill you afterwards.  This is for two main reasons; first, we are required to pay the Post Office at the time of mailing, so we are immediately paying the postage fees just as you would be.  Second, we make your product real-time and complete your jobs very quickly and are generally producing the product within a few hours after payment.

Methods of Payment Currently Unavailable

We don't currently accept gift cards, Paypal, checks, ACH, wire transfers, money orders, or Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.

Unexpected Payments

Do you believe you were charged for a letter(s) that are still in your shopping cart? Don't worry, we will never take funds that don't belong to us.

If you see a charge on your card for an unpaid order, it may show as "pending". Rest assured, if your payment failed or items are in your cart, you won't be charged for those. Banks handle this differently, so a pending payment for items that were not successfully submitted will disappear from your bank statement shortly.

Note: if you use our services to send mail on behalf of your own customers, it is against company policy to use their credit cards.  You must use your own credit cards to send mail through your OnlineCertifiedMail account.  This is primarily since your customers, more often than not, will see a charge from our company and not know who we are, and therefore dispute the charge causing us to place your account on hold.

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